Pondering the Ponderable

A journey. A Course. A Time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Let Us Ponder the Lapse of Time

*clears her throat* Yes... it has been a LONG time since I've "blogged". Shall I enlighten you with the past few months? I think I shall.

I received a promotion with Arise (formerly Willowcsn) and am now a Quality Assurance Peformance Facilitator for a leading pharmacy in the nation. I absolutely love it! However, with a "promotion comes great responsibility" so I'm working 40 to 50 hours a week. The pay is very good, so I am not complaining, however; I will be ready for vacation in May!

This next Friday is my 40th birthday. Where has time gone? I feel 20 something lots of days... other days, like this morning, I do feel my age. Time has a way of "sneakin' up" on ya, doesn't it? I'm taking Friday off to "relax" and then my Daddy and Mama is having my favorite meal on Saturday. I'm not sure if it's a "tad bit 'o the Irish" in me, but I'm a "Corn Beef and Cabbage" girl. So every year my Mama makes me my favorite meal! Can't wait!

In May William and I will have been married for 20 years. Hard to believe I have lived with my husband as long as I had lived with my parents! So I can actually say "Honey, do you know I've lived with you half my life?" LOL We are planning on two weeks vacation. My bosses for Arise (Keisha and Diane) were very excited for me to go... but I have to train the other mentors to process QA's on their own teams. However, when I get back, I'm taking MY job back! :)

No... haven't lost any weight. I suppose that I shall keep fighting that until I become "Perfect". *ahem... that's in Heaven, folks* hehe But I shall continue working on it. I really believe that the more I TRY to lose weight the more the weight finds me! how can this be?

Sarah had her 13th birthday. Hard to believe! We are letting her wear makeup now... I've taught her how to wear it... and the first time I fixed her up... she stood back and I could have SWORN it was my sister Kristy! Sarah looked so much like her Auntie that I did a "double take!" I've notice that Sarah does have quite a few of Kristy's characteristics and sometimes I will call her Kristy.... especially if I have been around Kristy for a bit. My baby is growing up. Blows me away! Daddy took her out on the back roads the other day to practice "driving." Had to bite my tongue on that one... but she did an excellent job! *sniff sniff* Her schoolwork is becoming easier for her... even her Math she is understanding! She's VERY much into computers and wants to work with me when she can. I'd much rather have her work at home then "out there." Sure, she has social interaction, so all of you who are thinking "That poor child doesn't have any room to grow... no social interactions..." I beg to differ! She has friends here in our small town and is a social butterfly when we drive into town. So please, use a different line on me, will ya?

The church is going well. Nice to see less of the "wood family". We are having visitors and we have started a teen class now. Only three teens and about three that are 12 and under. The rest are adults. All in all I enjoy our church so much! I love them all... they are my extended family and I don't know what I'd do without them!

Well.. it's time for me to get back to work. Kristy has been "on me" to post... so I'm posting. I was thinking about starting a "book" on here... and every week have a new chapter, etc.... but that's something I shall ponder for later.